June and beyond

Album release date is now set to September 1st! School has been (fortunately AND unfortunately) my main focus and priority. It's frustrating to have a finished product just sitting here on my computer. I'm very proud of the album design. The front cover came out amazing and the back cover is awesome too. These CD's are going to look great once they are printed out and burned. Attached at the bottom of this posting is my grades for the spring '18 semester. That is as equally important to include as the graphic design. 

So with that 'house keeping' out of the way, I will share with you the following information: School is going well. I'm currently studying my balls off for an entrance exam I'm taking in 3ish weeks. -_- it's stressful but I got this. I haven't read any good books lately because I've been so busy. In January I was reading "Angels of Grozny". It’s about this European journalist documenting life post-Chechen civil war. This was one of the few times in life were I had to abort reading a book. I tried so hard to finish it! I had 100 pages left but it became too awful. The book had potential but it wasn't quite what I was looking for in a Chechnya war nonfiction book.. she kept focusing on personal stories/information that was irrelevant and not even interesting -_- 

Anyways i'll cyu around.

- Jordan

